
A blog for friends and relations to follow our travels in New Zealand....at least when we have time to post!

Friday, 29 September 2023

Much dampness..

So breakfast at a local traditional diner...the boys had all sorts of fried things...I had cinnamon toast. We then decided to visit the JFK Presidential Library, we walked on some boring busy roads but then on nice green shoreline path. Impressive building and interesting exhibition. Everyone very friendly. However the weather turned from slight occasional drizzle to the sort persistent wetness usually associated with summer holidays Scotland.  We  discovered a very useful App (SplitWise) for keeping track of expenses, so we can have a GRAND RECKONING  at the end. Minor panic when we heard the final Airbnb of the trip in Providence would have to be cancelled as they have a flood, fortunately T'Other One found another place.
Road crossing takes ages here as the pedestrian sequence is obviously the least important and often an unseemly dash has to take place to get to the other side in time. When you press the button at a crossing it shouts 'wait' at you.....Shiny and T'Other One find it hilarious and impossible not to repeat the word each time!  Sigh...
We caught a tube train back successfully so stayed slightly drier.

Off out to eat Chinese tonight (we are on edge of China Town).

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