
A blog for friends and relations to follow our travels in New Zealand....at least when we have time to post!

Wednesday, 4 October 2023


Breakfast was lots of ways to eat bread basically, though I did find a hard boiled egg! An extremely large lady decided she needed to show us a photo of how she had made her breakfast into a face (likebyou might for a child) ..bizarre. Disappointed tobsee that, despite huge amounts of car parkin space around the motel, somone had opened their car door into the side of ours leaving a considerable dent...more bother to be had with carhire people. 

Curly was very pleased when original plans for the holiday enabled us to visit the Norman Rockwell Collection. Curly has loved these illustrations since the days of working in Psalter Lane art library...they did not disappoint. As a nostalgic look back but also as a commentary on social issues. Shocked that Saturday Evening Post stipulated people of colour could only be shown in servile job roles...one of reasons Rockwell eventually broke from them. Interesting and sad video by with Ruby (black 6 year old girl famously escorted into a previously segregated school by police). The accuracy and attention to detail was tremendous.

We then drove 20 mins to Hancock Shaker Village (previously visited in 2008 by Curly & Shiny)..it was again amazing. Had lovely talks on Shaker's Music and Dance, the Barn and Medicinal plants. Watching the making of a steam bent box with the distinctive swallow tale joins was a highlight. 
Evening meal at a 'gastro pub' was disappointing for the price.
We can't understand why it seems to be the norm here to hand over your credit card to your server for them to take away to the machine to charge...we don't...something that stopped being done in UK 20+ years ago. Also you pay with your card, then are given your receipt and asked to select which level of tip...then sign that. Presumably they then enter that against your card. 
We move into the hills tomorrow.

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